Japan / September 2014

Research and concerts in Tokyo and Kyoto.
19th – 29th of September 2014

Duo Concert at Urbanguild – Kyoto / 24th of September 2014
Boris Hegenbart 
with Seiichi Yamamoto / 山本精一
山本 精一: www.japanimprov.com/syamamoto

Trio Concert at Soup – Tokyo / 27th of September 2014
Boris Hegenbart
with Kinetic (千葉広樹 | Hiroki Chiba +服部正嗣 | Masatsugu Hattori)
千葉広樹: www.geocities.jp/tipakun
服部正嗣: https://blog.livedoor.jp/drumless
DJ Urine featuring Shimura Koji from Acid Mothers Temple, Miminokoto
Tabata Mitsuru + Cal Lyall + Les Belles Noiseuses
ASTRO (Hiroshi Hasegawa + ROHCO) + Dave Skipper

Duo Concert at ftarri – Tokyo / 28th of September 2014
Boris Hegenbart
with Yoshio Machida / 町田良夫 (EMS SYNTHI AKS)
町田良夫:  www.yoshiomachida.com